
Online shopping has now become mainstream, with customers searching the internet to research and purchase items. PixlWorks can provide virtual tours, 3d asset scanning, e-commerce solutions and
Augmented and Virtual reality for your space.


Do you need a layout for your retail store? PixlWorks has many options from basic store layout to full 3D with asset placement.


Matterport is a great tool to show off your retail outlet. Weather you are requiring a basic walk through or a full custom e-commerce solution, we can help transform your physical space to an interactive digital twin.

Virtual Staging

Virtual staging in a retail setting consists of adding or replacing real world items with a digital version. If you have a virtual store, this is simple way to replacing stock items.

3D Asset Scanning

3D scanning assets or inventory has become a great way to advertise. Weather you are showing a simple 360 image on your website, or adding these assets to a virtual reality or augmented reality experience, PixlWorks can help you.


An online shopping cart has become the default way to sell your items online. Adding a shopping cart in conjunction with a visual walk through tour of your retail outlet gives the buyer the next best thing to being there.


Do you need photographs of your store or items? We offer a full range of photography solutions to fit your requirements.


Want to take your marketing to the next level? Videography is a great way to drive emotion and inform the buyer about your product in a way that is difficult with images alone. 
Combine video with a walk through tour, pointing out specific locations or attraction.

Augment Reality

Augmented reality is an overlay that can interact with the real world environment. It can be used to display information or assets over an existing space, can be used to navigate a location or help a customer decide on a purchase.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality replaces the real world with a computer generated model. In retail, virtual reality can help clients visualize items within a space, or shop remotely from the comfort of their own home.

Google Business

Google business is the number one way a customer searches for your service or location. PixlWorks can help you get noticed, customize your web presence and even do a google business view tour of your premises.