Sign Posts
What makes a PixlWorks sign so great?
- Sign sizes – from 24″ to 40″ wide
- Locked in – post is secured to the ground stake to resist unwanted removal
- Ground stake – only a 1″ size hole in the lawn, no more digging
- Side tie – ensure your sign is visible when it’s windy
- Sign rider – add your favourite sign topper with easy clips. No need to punch holes in your topper, install them in 10 seconds.
- Complimentary sign pickup, storage and installation
Our posts are made from rigid vinyl. They do not chip or have the paint peel, ensuring they look great at all times
Sign Storage
Signs are expensive, and how they are stored and transported for installation matter.
Your signs are in an upright position for storage and transportation, ensuring they stay in great condition
Our custom web-based system makes ordering your next sign post install a breeze. Multiple account level setup (from full brokerage to individual assistants)
Post placement
Has your sign post been installed in the wrong location before? We supply placement flags to ensure the installation is exactly where you want it.
Inventory Control & Tracking
How many signs do I have left? Never wonder again!, with our real time inventory control system.
Install Confirmation
Receive immediate notification and photo when your sign is installed.
A reminder is sent to you before your included install time expires. Request a removal at anytime.
One great price
One price for all installs. No more confusing pricing for different zones.
Sign printing
Need new signs? We can provide you with your full range of sign printing from coroplast to metal reflective signs at the best price in Vancouver.